Monday, January 17, 2011

Who influences Me

I am a pretty creative person in my own regards but sometimes i do not know how to create what i can come up with in my mind. I think some of the most creative people on this earth now a days are movie directors. Its sometimes amazing to think of what some directors can come up with. Troy Duffy is one of my favorite directors and is the person who inspires me. He is a perfect example of Tension and Release in the way that The Boondock Saints, and The Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day was shot. The way he films the action sequences in those two movies is very unique. He starts off the action scenes with the main charater just about to go and shoot the bad guys and then immediately jumps to the end where the police try to guess what happens at the scene and gather evidence and such. Soon as they come up with a conclusion it jumps right up to where the main character is about to shoot and plays out what actually happens. Duffy builds up the tension when he shows you what is about to happen and then builds it up further by skipping ahead. He finally releases the tension when he shows what actually happens.

Duffy also uses many good examples of Text and Subtext more specifically Misdirection. In The Boondock Saints Duffy misdirects the audience several times throughout the movie. In the beginning of the movie the special agent Smecker was trying to catch the two "saints" in order to bring them to justice. As the movie goes on he realizes that maybe all the killing they are doing is not so bad after all. By the end of the movie he helps them take down a mafia leader. Throughout the movie the audience is inclined to feel that the saints are doing bad and that the special detective should catch them and put them in jail. But Duffy makes it so that by the end of the movie you want to cheer on the saints. And at the very end of the movie the camera goes out and gets the "averages joes" opinion on the saints. It is pretty much split down the middle with half the population loving them and the other half hating them.

Conscious and Subconscious is another theme that Duffy uses in the two Boondock movies. He uses this extremely well when it comes down to the music in the movie. During action scenes he plays church like music. You are consciously seeing the action and violence. You also see death and blood and gore. Subconsciously you think of how "saint like" they are. The church music also makes you think of how good of a deed they are actually doing. The switching back and forth of the music brings the audience in and out of a mental state of peace when the church music is playing and a mental state of action and high tempo.

(506 words)

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