Monday, January 31, 2011

Exploration of Cover Songs

The song I will be examining is called "Forever Young". The original is by Alphaville and the covered version is by Jay-Z featuring Mr. Hudson.

The Original by: Alphaville

Covered Version by: Jay-Z featuring Mr. Hudson

To start off this exploratory essay I just want to say that I enjoy both versions of the song. Each song has its own unique style that sets it apart from the other one. Each song starts off with the same LYRICS. Each song also keeps the same the same chorus line which goes like this:

"Forever young, I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever?
Forever young"

So in some sense each song shares common lyrics but the "meat" of the songs have different lyrics. Although the lyrics are similar their are several differences between the two songs. Jay-Z's song has a faster pace of SPEED than Alphaville's version. Since Jay-Z is involved with rap, it did not surprise me that his version is faster than the original. The INTENSITY of each song is very different as well. In the original, the music is definitely much softer than its rap counter part. I think that Alphaville did this on purpose. It sounds as though they wanted their audience to just sit back, relax, and enjoy the song. On the other hand Jay-Z's version is louder than the original. His purpose for this is for his listeners to hopefully get the adrenaline pumping a little bit and to have a more dance like feel to it. Which brings me to the different TIMBRE of each song. The original definitely has the personality of a nice, slightly slower, relaxing vibe. It has more of a cool and smooth tone to the song. The covered version has a more up beat vibe and makes you want to dance. The dance groove that Jay-Z's song gives out, makes you think that the song could definitely be heard at a club scene.

While listening to both of these songs you really just feel good. On a SUBCONSCIOUS level, at least to me, whenever I hear the chorus I think of what it was like when I was younger. Don't get me wrong, I realize that I am still a young man, but I can still remember way back when I was a little kid. It reminds me of living in Michigan with my mother and brother and how my brother and I would always play outside. Whether it be summer and us swimming in the lake at my grandparents house; or the winter when there was plenty of snow and we would go sledding. Now that I'm older I don't really think about my younger years as much. Things that I enjoyed then don't seem to be as fun now. Also I lost my innocence that I had when I was a little boy. Now I see the world how it really is and it is slightly depressing. In Jay-Z's version of "Forever Young" their is a small amount of TENSION AND RELEASE. The most specific example of this is at the beginning of his song. As soon as you hear the soft tone and soft pitch of the vocals you think its going to be another slow song that sounds the exact same as the song by Alphaville. The tension is then released when Jay-Z starts to freestyle the lyrics and the beat starts to pick up. 

Now comes the decision: Which song do I like better? Is it the original soft beat, feel good song by Alphaville;    or is it the cover version by Jay-Z which is  more up beat and catchy? The verdict is.......... Jay-Z's version. Both versions of the song have parts I like and parts that I dislike. I just happen to like more upbeat songs better than slower songs. I think its just a personal preference.  

(649 words)

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