Thursday, January 20, 2011

Finding Your Howl

 To read Jonathon Flaum's article Finding Your Howl click the  link below

One of his stories is about a red wolf named Mumon who was in captivity because his species was about to become extinct. So they were brought into captivity to repopulate and this is about Mumon's journey as he is released into the wild. The story starts off with him running around and not knowing what to do because he had been in captivity for so long. He gets hungry and chases down a deer but does not remember how to howl. He catches the deer and the deer tells him that he does know how to howl. Mumon still cannot howl. Next he meets a raven who tells him that he knows how to howl on the inside. Still Mumon cannot howl. He next meets a farmer who has a gun. The farmer shoots Mumon and he goes into a spirit like phase. He floats around and hears the sounds of indians pounding on there drums. He floats over to them and goes into there fire which brings out his own inner fire and allows him to howl. He wakes up howling and realizes it was all a dream and he knew how to howl because it was inside of him all along. The main point that Flaum is trying to make is that you can do  anything you want as long as you look deep inside yourself to find your inner fire that is needed to accomplish the task.

Here is a link of me talking about what in media grabbed my attention as a creative person.

ignore the last 25 sec of me talking as i forgot to stop the recording.

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