Friday, March 11, 2011

Blog assignment 8B

Me and Andrew's Hero/Villian Animation

Craig and Ryan's Hero/Villain Combination can be found on Craig's blog here

-For whatever reason my computer could not download their animations, but Craig did have them both on his blog.

James and his partners Hero/Villain Combination can be found on James' blog here

JT Estercamps Hero/Villain Combination can be found on JT Estercamps blog here

Craig and Ryan's Critique

From what I remember from fridays lab when I saw both the hero and villain of Craig and his partners characters I liked what I saw. The one character which I am pretty sure was the villain had a color HUE of black and green. Both of the colors had a darker tone and little BRIGHTNESS. The only brightness I saw was in the green fire which the villain could create. The SATURATION of the colors were closer to black than white on the saturation scale. As for the hero, he had a completely different hue in comparison to the villain. The hero had a blue and white hue and was much more bright than the villain. The saturation of the villain was closer to white on the saturation scale. The CONTRAST of the two characters was most obvious in the hues of the characters. On a SUBCONSCIOUS level you could tell the difference in the hero and the villain because of the brighter colors of the hero vs. the darker colors of the villain.

James and his partners Critique

I liked the whole idea behind the hero and villain concept of James and his partners group project. The SHADOWS of the villain were much more prominent than the hero's shadows to show him as the bad guy. The villain also was SYMBOLIC of evil because he was a tax collector. The MOOD surrounding the villain was one of pure evil because he was taxing all the good people. The hero CONTRASTED with the villain in that his shadows were not at all present to show he was a good guy. He was symbolic of a hero because he planted money trees in places of poverty to allow those who are poor to become rich. The mood surrounding the hero was a happy one because of his bright colors and smile. On a SUBCONSCIOUS level you can just evision that the man wielding the ax is a bad man because it is such a big and mean looking weapon.

JT and his partners Critique

I also liked the villain and hero of the Lawyer and Doctor. The HUE of the hero was light blue and white which is a very neutral color and symbolizes goodness. The hero was also very BRIGHT to show he was a good guy. On the SATURATION scale the hero was definitely more towards the white side than the black side of the scale. For the villain, the hue of his character was black and red. Both colors were not bright at all and were very dark. The saturation was definitely more towards the black scale than the white scale. SUBCONSCIOUSLY we see the bright warm colors of the hero and feel like he is a safer character and thus is the hero. The two characters mainly CONTRASTED on their color schemes, with the hero having warm bright colors and the villain having cold dark colors. 

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